Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Transplant Makes His Move

I had a revelation the other day. It was not a good one.

This past weekend, as I apathetically combined Heinz57 bottles in a effort of consolidation, it was sadly revealed to me that I was dissatisfied with my life. Scratch that. I was not bothered with my life, but rather my career. I needed to make a healthy change. I felt as though I were waist deep in quicksand. I knew I had two options-I could freak-out and suffocate on sand and earth or I could calmly reach for that conveniently placed tree branch. I decided on the latter. This blog is my conveniently placed tree branch.
Nearly a year ago I put college behind me. Armed with nothing but a Bachelors degree in Journalism I set out for battle. My formidable opponent (economic recession) clearly had the upper-hand, or so my commencement speaker persuasively informed me. My plan was to hit the ground running, take no prisoners, you know, that sort of thing. After all when the going gets tough, the tough gets going, right? Wrong. I did nothing for months. I waited tables, I slept in and I grew dissatisfied. Then I realized I had had enough and I moved to the greatest city in the midwest-Chicago.
For almost three months things were grand, or so they appeared. It wasn't until the great Heinz57 incident of '09 that I realized I had been demoted. No longer was I waiting tables, I was bussing tables. Instead of pouring wine I found myself pouring water. I was no longer serving salads and steaks, but instead dishing out baskets of bread. As a certified journalist by the state of Missouri, I felt under-worked and under-appreciated. Then I realized I could do something about it.
On that day a fire was re-lit in my stomach. I made a promise to myself to stay sharp and stay focussed. I decided to begin searching for different employment and internship opportunities. I vowed to begin writing more frequently, even at times when I know that no one will read my work. At one time I yearned to write for an advertising or public relations firm. Today I know that my ambitions can be reached.
Soon I will prove my worth. Not long from now I will be where I belong. And as a safety precaution, I write this blog to keep me out of the quicksand.

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