Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Thanksgiving

The game has drastically changed. The other week, with no bluff required, I confidently decided to go all-in. Since my last blog posting the ante has officially been upped.

The interview that transpired on the eighth floor of a highrise along East Ontario Street apparently faired me well. I boldly and definitively say this because, as it happens to be, I write this particular posting from the comfort of my very own cubicle. I cannot begin to express how fulfilled this internship opportunity makes me feel. Although I will be taking on several important tasks and putting in many hours staring at the cubicle walls around me, I have peace of mind. I am at ease because I realize that much like the views of the Chicago cityscape outside these office windows, my future is equally attractive. I cannot complain. The work is rewarding, the clients are interesting and the lunch is free-that's one hell of a hat trick.

I look forward to other opportunities that this internship may bring. Everyday that I take the train downtown I know that things are looking up.

As for now it is time to jet. In honor of the short workday, I have decided to cut this posting short as well.

You gotta' love the corporate pre-holliday half-days.

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